Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer




There’s no getting around it.

Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat.

That won’t worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system.

Now that’s something most courses don’t teach you!

Know that you’re exactly in the right place to MASTER Android 7 Nougat app programming as well as Android 8 Oreo!

Yes, we are in the process right now of updating the entire course to Android Oreo now it has been released by Google!

In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. You’ll also have a head start over other developers using obsolete tools and earlier versions of Android.

Android is continually being updated, so OLD versions of the operating systems will have features from the latest version. It’s called AppCompat, which is a set of support libraries used to make apps developed with newer versions, work with older versions.

But it only works if the developer codes it a right way. It doesn’t just happen by default. The way I teach you in this Masterclass course is the right way!

With my course, you get the best of both worlds. You’re taught to write code for the latest version of Android Nougat with a strong focus on AppCompat. That way, the apps you build will also support older versions of Android.

Most Android courses just focus on teaching app development for the current Nougat version. What that means is you’re only taught to make apps for the latest version of Android, and that alienates a huge user base.


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