The Complete Android 10 & Kotlin Development Masterclass




So you want to become an Android developer and work from anywhere in the world, or maybe even the same place you’re currently at, but with much more interesting and well-paying jobs? Learning Android App development is the way to go.

You have a great idea for an app and you just need to learn how to make it happen? Or your friends know that you are tech-savvy and they constantly come to you with their great ideas and want you to build them?

Do you have no programming experience whatsoever? Or maybe you have worked with another programming language in the past?

Either way – you’re in the right place.
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know, to build your own apps, no matter what you need them for. For your company, your friends, your own business, or simply for fun. You’ll become a real Android App Developer by getting the best Android App development course on GoSkillUp.

If you sign up now you will get all this Android app development content:

  • Over 45 hours of high quality & high definition 1080p video content
  • The complete code with step by step guides (in the code itself). So either you follow along in the video, or you get right into the action in Android Studio yourself.
  • Loads of exercises that make sure, that the knowledge really sticks.
  • The best Android 10 app development course money can buy.

You will build these amazing Android apps

  • A Trello Clone
  • A Quiz App
  • A 7 Minute Workout App
  • A Weather App
  • A Drawing App
  • and more…


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